Sunday, December 2, 2007

The last 3 weeks as a student....for some time at least....

The final 3 weeks as a student are here....only 3 more weeks to go. And not an easy 3 weeks at that. I just came out of a 5 hour session of solving assignment questions and could not come up (in a combined effort) with half the answers :( Things are always tougher when you have to wrap up projects!! But some things to look forward to......
1. Buy a new hard disk so that I get it just as exams get over....not before so I do not flunk the exams, not too late so I waste time....
2. Install Ubuntu:
a. Move all data into hard disk
b. Install the OS
c. Add Compiz fusion and hope it works on the RAM I have!! Pros: Scale (Expose)
d. Google Desktop for desktop search
e. Some kind of a tool for collecting web data in a decent manner and making a proper journaling system for it
f. Configuring other options to my liking
g. Learning scripting languages like Perl and Python
h. Learn enough to write a web crawler....without having to go through the entire tire of C!!!
3. Read all the left over material that has been piling up
4. Read some of the books I have been dying to read!!
5. Catch up on all news feeds
6. Make an active blog...
7. Get some exercise. A study just said that sitting down automatically stops the burning of fats!! Didn't have the courage to meet the rest of the article!!
8. Get up really really late!!
9. Catch up on all movies and TV serials!!

Like I said.....only 3 more weeks to go for heaven!!! There is also a HDTV in the Commons for me to get my grubby hands on!!!

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